Digital Marketing - A complete Guideline

Digital Marketing – A complete guideline

Digital marketing is a field of proficiency and requires skills and experience. There’s no uncertainty that in the modern landscape, the digital marketing methodology plays a significant job. Pretty much every client and entrepreneur has proper access to the internet. As an entrepreneur, you might need to watch the behavior of your target audience and invest the most time with them.

When you’re developing business, it appears to be troublesome, however when you’re familiar with it. It will turn out to be very overwhelming. There’s sufficient to do, have to make an agile digital marketing methodology to keep an eye everywhere.

At regular intervals, one gadget of the technology expires, be it a phone or a laptop, and the latest one comes in the market. The days are gone when individuals need to visit genuinely outside of their home to purchase things. We are discussing the digital marketing industry.

To attract the online crowd, Business proprietors are changing their plan of action as per the digital marketing trends. Presently, business who isn’t online can’t endure the market competition.

Importance of Digital Marketing in Today’s Market

Each organization will have many different specific objectives as the main priority, yet most are trying hard to achieve growth by reaching more buyers and convincing them to buy. To do this adequately, you need to take benefits from all the most significant marketing assets and technologies, and in the cutting edge world, the internet tops that list. This makes each business needs digital marketing.

How to structure your Company’s Digital Marketing Plan?

It’s an ideal opportunity to stop being panic. Your digital marketing strategy can give you a foundation for a lot of digital marketing activities. Here you can discover a few details on how you can make the best digital marketing plans. Here you go:

5 Factors for Digital Marketing Strategy
5 Factors for Digital Marketing Strategy

5 reasons you need a digital marketing strategy

  • Plan – you have to plan for how to deploy digital marketing techniques to acquire maximum sales effectively.
  • Reach – you should try to make brand awareness among your target group of audience.
  • Act – you have to design in such a manner to produce leads for the future.
  • Convert – you have to retarget and convince your audience to gain the right amount of profit and success in online business.
  • Engage – you have to utilize different communication methods like web, email, and social media marketing to snatch more deals.

Why You Should Hire Digital Marketing Expert:

Can you tell me, why you should not hire a digital marketing expert in the digital marketing era?
No, you can’t show me any logical reason. But I can show you a lot of reasons to hire digital marketing experts or consultants.

Just guess how many viewers are watching the BBC or CNN on tv and how many visitors are searching for a piece of news on Google. I know nobody can’t guess. But one thing is clear that in every second 24 million visitors are searching their required topics on Google. If you consider all other search engines it will be over 40 million. Just imagine the visitors in every second on the search engines. Now calculate the social media engagement.
Can you imagine how much traffic engagement is every second in all online platforms?
In this topic, I will show you the conventional marketing systems and the reasons to hire digital marketing experts or consultants.

Conventional Marketing Systems:

Almost all manufacturing companies are following conventional marketing systems today. Whatever they manufacture, pharmaceuticals to ship or toothbrushes to refrigerators everything is sold by the conventional marketing systems.

What manufacturers are doing?

They just hire a marketing boss in the field of conventional marketing systems. Doing research on the market demand, offering some promotions, and giving some facilities to the dealers or sellers, field executives are visiting customers door to door and selling their products.
Till today manufacturers are fully dependent on the conventional marketing system except for tech bosses like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc
But you know the tech bosses like Amazon, eBay, or Alibaba are getting more sales day by day without following conventional marketing systems. Whereas big American supermarkets like Sears, Kmart, or Walmart are closing their stores. 

What You Will Get From The Digital Marketing Experts:

  • Game-changing strategy
  • Ensuring online presence
  • You will get the right target audience
  • Know their behavior
  • Marketing expertise
  • Technology and tools
  • Evaluate competition
  • Reduce marketing cost

Game-changing Strategy:

A digital marketing expert can change the total scenario of your business. If you are a local entrepreneur, you can be a global entrepreneur by appointing a digital marketing expert.
Now you are selling your product only in New York City. After appointing a digital marketer you can reach around the USA, Canada even the world. You should not worry about the supply chain also.
Example: Whitewater Honey. They are a local entrepreneur in Canada. But now they can sell their products around the globe.
In the conventional marketing system, you have to invest a lot in setting up branches and supply chain management for a countrywide presence. 

Ensuring Online Presence:

A digital marketing expert can ensure your online presence, which the conventional marketing system cannot do.
A conventional marketing system may confirm your FB page and website. But this is not enough. Only the website or FB page can’t bring your traffic, visitors, and customers.
There are billions of websites in the cloud. But all are not getting traffic. Only a few websites are getting traffic, customers who are working on SEO (a Digital Marketing tool).
At the same time, you may have a social presence but not get customers, or visitors for a lack of knowledge in the digital field. 

Reduce Marketing Cost:

Digital marketing steps can reduce your marketing costs dramatically. Think about Amazon, they are selling products in every corner of the world. But they didn’t set up distribution points or establishments or supply chain management in every corner.
Now think about Lever Brothers, they have distribution points in every corner. Now they are not booming like the early ’80s or ’90s.
Some supermarkets already shut down their doors as they could not reduce establishment costs. 

Select The Right Target Audience:

Every second, millions of the audience are visiting online platforms. Without expertise in the digital world, we can’t select our audience.
Almost all conventional marketers are doing this mistake. Selecting the target audience/customers in the online platform sounds easy, but it is more difficult than selecting customers in the conventional marketing system.
A digital marketing consultant or expert can confirm the right audience will visit your online platforms. 

Analysis of User Behavior:

Analysis of users’ behavior plays a big role to make the marketing strategy. Both conventional marketing and digital marketing need an analysis of the customers’ behavior. Conventional marketing and digital marketing both are different techniques.
So when you want to analyze your digital traffics’ behavior you need special tools and techniques. Which knows digital marketing experts only.

Digital Marketing Expertise:

Digital marketing expertise is a special type of expertise that is not the same as conventional marketing. If FB page and websites are enough for digital marketing then everybody can be Alibaba or Amazon.
You need experts’ opinions, techniques, and tools for boosting your sales to the next level. Which you can get only from digital marketing experts or consultants. 

Marketing Techniques And Tools:

There are many techniques and tools in the digital marketing world. Only experts can decide which techniques and tools are appropriate for your products or services.
Without experts’ advice, your investment may lay down in this field.
Example: Social media are great tools for digital marketing. Facebook and blogs both are social media. In Bangladesh, people don’t use blogs and in the USA people are much engaged in blogs. Now if you are selling your products or services in Bangladesh and select a blog as your social media tool, it will not work. 

Evaluate Competitions:

In conventional marketing systems competitions are open to all. Everyone knows their competitors, their policies, weakness, and strong areas. In the Digital World, where and how your competitors are coming and what steps they are taking are not open.
That’s why you need an expert or consultant to evaluate competitions and competitors in the digital galaxy. 


Now let’s talk about some incidents, why you need to be updated as per market trends.
Look at Nokia, in the feature phone era they were the market leader and enjoyed a 60% market share. In the starting time of the smartphone, Nokia didn’t use android technology and now they are not even in the 5th position.
Now, look at the apple. In the early 90s, they were the market leader in the computer market. But windows took that place. Then apple’s business was going down. When they bring the iPhone, they just boom and now they are at the top of the tech world.

How To Generate Leads Through Digital Marketing

How to generate Leads from Digital Marketing is a common question, especially among bloggers. Well, the good news is that anyone can create a blog and post articles on various topics.

In this regard, search engines provide certain tools that help users in this regard. These tools give users the best possible results.

By means of these search engines, users will find specific keywords that they might use to do searches. For example, if someone does a search for content writing, they will be given a list of keywords that are used in this field. This list will include relevant and highly relevant keywords that can drive traffic to your website.

Of course, there are other ways in which you can generate Leads from Digital Marketing. However, this method is the most efficient and productive.

After reading articles and searching for topics on popular blogs, you should start generating Leads. Once you have generated Leads, you can use them to promote your website.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Tools:

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Here are the top 10 digital marketing tools that can generate leads for your website or blogs.

Top 10 Digital Marketing Tools
Top 10 Digital Marketing Tools
  • Search Engine Optimizing (SEO)
  • FB marketing
  • Youtube marketing
  • Google Ads
  • FB Ads
  • Google My Business (GMB)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blog and Articles
  • Bulk email
  • Bulk SMS

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a very well-known word in the digital world.

Just think, when we search for anything in the search engine, it may be an article or product or news, we just put 2 or 3 words on the search bar and get thousands of results. Now which articles or products are within the top 5, naturally, we visit those sites. Those sites get a lot of traffic.

Now the question is how they come within the top 5, they just do SEO (search engine optimization).

Why You Need SEO:

You need SEO for more customers, branding, and business growth.

Just think in this way; you opened a shop in a forest where is no customer. But if this shop is in a village you will get some customers. If this shop location is in a metropolitan area then your shop will boost.

Without SEO website is just like a shop in a forest. Doing a few steps of SEO is the shop in the village. Investment in SEO is just like BOOOM.  It will increase your customers, visitors, sales in a dramatic way.

How To Do SEO:

SEO is a very easy task if you understand the process. But if you don’t understand the process, then it is really a very tough job. Always remember 1 thing that, SEO is very much related to website design. So, if your website design is not good or SEO friendly then ranking on the 1st page of the search engine will be very difficult for that site.

So, my suggestion is before developing any website always think about SEO. If web developers and SEO experts work together, those sites easily rank on the 1st page of the search engine.

Steps to SEO:
  • Keywords Research
  • Meta Description
  • Content/Article writing
  • Image Optimization/SEO
  • Internal Link building
  • Backlinks building
  • Social Networking
  • Bookmarking
  • Guest comments/answering

Tips for Keyword Research:

There are many ways for keywords research. You can use paid tools also. Just install any paid tool which you like and start keyword research. Tools will suggest your keywords.

But I will show you how to find proper keywords in organic ways.

  • Install Keywords Everywhere bar on your Google menu bar.
  • Now you have to customize the search value and CPC (cost per click). Search value shows how many people search the specific keyword on google. CPC shows you the google ads value.
  • Keywords Everywhere also show you the competition of specific keywords.
  • Always remember that high search value and high competition value keywords are more difficult to rank on the 1st page on the search engine
  • So choose those keywords which are medium search value, low in competition, and high in CPC.

If you follow the above points for keywords, then your keywords will be perfect for ranking on search engines like Google or Bing.

Meta Description For Website:

The meta description is a short description of the articles. Who read the meta description should understand what describe in the article. It should be within 150 characters and contain the focus keywords.

Content Writing Tips for SEO:

Content writing is the most important for SEO. If your content is unique and readable score is high then it is guaranteed that you can rank easily on Google. Now I will give you some tips for content writing.

  • Always write a unique article/content.
  • Never copy from another article
  • Your article/content should be readable.
  • Always write in such a way that your traffic or visitors feel interested to read your article/content. Otherwise, traffic will not stay on your site.
  • Focus your keywords in the 1st line of the article.
  • Don’t use keywords more. Google doesn’t like it.
  • Try to make your articles/contents above 1000 words for blog sites.
  • For an e-commerce site, content should be within 300 words.
  • Try to give some references in the articles.
  • Write the main points with the bulleted list or numbered list.
  • Use article/content related images or demographic within the articles.
  • Give some footnotes.
  • Always give FAQ in the last paragraph of your articles.
Image Optimization for Website:              

When we see any image on the search engines and click on that, we can go directly to that website which is the owner of that image or containing that image. This is called image optimization for the web. It is very important for load speed. When your website load speed is good that means it is SEO friendly.

Now I will show you the process of image optimization.

First, take a unique image that is not available on the search engines.

If not possible then take a free image or paid image from Shutterstock.

The image should be article-related.

Now resize the image so that it is within 50kb.

If not possible to make the image within 50kb, then use plugins or tools.

Write an Alt text for that image which similar to the keywords.

Now give a title and description to the image.

Set the link to the image so that when anyone clicks on that image from the search engines, he can go directly to that website.

Set the address link into the image.

That’s it. All complete of image optimization.

How To Build Internal Links for SEO:

Internal links are those links that are linking in the same website or blog, it is just linking one page to another page or one post to another post. So, always make internal links with a similar post or page.

Example: You are doing SEO for a blog site whose articles are about health. Here the writer has written 2 articles, one is about honey and its benefits and another is about chia seeds and their benefits. If you make internal links within these two articles or posts, it will look bad. You have to make internal links within the same subject honey or chia seeds.

How to Build Backlinks for New Website:

Backlinks are very important for a new website ranking on the search engines. If you can build a few backlinks with good DA and PA, you can easily rank higher on the search engines. Without pay getting backlinks from good DA and PA sites is almost impossible. You have to pay some amount for getting backlinks from an authority site. Authority sites are selling backlinks for a year. If you want without paying authority site backlinks, just leave a comment at that site with your link address. When that site approves your comment, you will get the backlink.

But it will take a long time. So, always spend some time building backlinks.

Importance of Social Networking:

Social networking is a very big platform for getting traffic on your website. Nowadays people are more involved in social media. So if you can make social networking for your website, it will boost your ranking on search engines. But remember one thing, try to make social networking with web 2.0. Because web 2.0 social network allows you to build backlinks. Which is not possible with web 3.0 like Facebook. But Facebook can always give you big traffic.

Example of Social Networking with Web 2.0:

Blog, Weebly, Tumblr, youtube, all can give you a big traffic boost with backlinks. These can improve your DA and PA also.

Online Bookmarking Sites:

Bookmarking can always give you traffic to your website. That is why bookmarking is an important part of SEO.

So do bookmark on social sites like Pinterest,  we heart it, pocket, Digg, Dribbble, Slashdot, Reddit, Flipboard, Fark, etc.

These bookmarking social sites will make your website high in the DA and PA. Also, you will get good traffic from here.

Guest Comments:

Guest comments or guest posting is a good way of getting traffic to your website. It is also helpful for the DA and PA. Always do good comments on the blog with your web address. When your comments are approved, you will get a backlink also from that blog, which can improve your DA and PA.

If you follow the above steps you will get good traffic to your website.

You can check your website SEO status, ranking keywords, and off-page SEO activities @ Here

Facebook Marketing For Small Business:

Facebook is very popular for new and small business marketing. Many people are working on it and doing well. Facebook marketing is popular in terms of f-commerce.

Facebook is a place where everyone is connecting with their friends and family. Millions of people visit FB every day. It is a very big platform for traffic/visitor/customer.

How to Use Facebook for Business:

Before starting your business on Facebook, you have to create a unique business page, where you will display or promote your products or services.

Your business page should be simple, small, and unique in design and name.

  • Set a header image on the page.
  • Write unique content within 100 words about your business/products/services.
  • Set your business hour. Within this hour you or your employee should attend to your customer.
  • Set the page manager. Here you can chat with your customers just like the messengers. Also can see customers’ comments, views and like.
  • Invite your friends and families to like your page. Who likes or follows your page, can see your post. So, you have to increase your page likes and followers.
  • If your friend list is not big then you can promote your page for increasing your page likes and followers. Here you have to remember one thing, there are many facebook promoters who can give you false likes or followers. So you have to select the right promoter for getting genuine likes or followers.
  • Start for the post on your page. Your post should be small, unique, and point about your services or products.
  • Always share your post to similar Facebook groups to reach more traffic. You can boost your post also for more traffic.
  • Now, wait for the customers’ feedback. If your content, product/services are unique, customers must knock or message to you.
  • Always try to respond to your customers’ message, comments within 10 minutes for increasing your sales.
  • Continue your post or videos with new content. Your business will boost.

This is the way how you can grow your business through Facebook. If your page is active and popular enough, you can monetize your page and can earn money from Facebook.

YouTube Marketing:

Nowadays YouTube is a very big source of traffic/visitors/customers. That is why online marketers are very active on YouTube.

YouTube is a kind of social platform where people share their videos. Millions of viewers visit YouTube every day. In this way, YouTube becomes a big platform for showing your products or services.

Importance of YouTube Marketing:

Can you tell any TV channel name where every moment millions of viewers are active! No TV channel is there. But, you can find it on YouTube. So you can reach a very big audience by doing YouTube marketing. When you can reach a big audience, your sales leads automatically will increase.

So, if you want to sell anything, it may be any product or service, just show that on YouTube. You can get a big audience.

You can’t get this much audience from any other source like newspaper ads, TV ads, or billboards. That’s why YouTube marketing becomes more popular for business growth.

How to do YouTube Marketing:
  • Before start youtube marketing you must open your youtube account.
  • Make a video of your products and services.
  • Describe clearly about your products and services.
  • Put your online address, shop/office address, phone no. on the video you make.
  • Open a youtube channel.
  • Now upload your video to your youtube channel.
  • Share this video to various social sites.
  • Do SEO for your youtube channel.
  • Make a link with your online address.

Now feel the changes. Your business will boost. You can do paid advertising also for YouTube. It is very low-cost advertising compare to conventional advertising methods. Paid advertising will boost your sales/customers fast.

What is Google Ads:

Google ads is an advertising platform. In every second 2.3 million searches were performed on Google. Most of the search result pages include Google Ads.

Google Ads

When people search for any keywords on google then google shows the result where 10 results are contained on a page. When keywords match with ads then google show paid result on the top. After then all are organic. Google ads not only show on the search engine result but also shows on the websites where absence is approved.

So when you do pay to advertise for your keywords, your keywords, products, services will show on the search engine result and on the websites where the keywords are matched.

In this way, you can get more traffic, which can boost your sales. If you think about the expenditure of google ads, I can tell you that it is a very minimal cost compared to conventional advertising.

What is Google My Business:

Google my business is Google’s service where you can open an account to show your products or services. This service is similar to the Facebook page. But in the Google My Business service, you will get some extra benefits. Also, it has some limitations.

Benefits of Google My Business:

Here I will show you how Google My Business gives you benefits.

  • You can show your products or services on Google My Business page.
  • Your products or services will show on the Google search engine.
  • Google search engine will show your business address on the search result with google maps.
  • You will get a free website from Google my business with free hosting.
  • Your business phone number will show on Google.
  • You can understand your competitors from Google my business insight.
  • You will get a free email address for your business.
  • Google My Business can provide you, visitors, to your website as well as generate sales.

Affiliate Marketing Definition:

Affiliate marketing is an online advertising system where an online marketer or website pays the commission to the external websites for the sales generated or traffic from its referrals.

Just think, you want to buy Nike shoes. You don’t need to go to the Nike store or the Nike website. There are many websites who are selling Nike products by affiliate sales programs. If you click on any Nike product from an external website, it will bring you to the Nike website directly. This is called affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is now very popular as an online earning method as well as traffic generation and sales boost. In the affiliate marketing system both brands, advertisers, affiliate marketers, and consumers get benefits.

Examples of Affiliate Marketing:

  • Amazon Affiliate Program
  • eBay Affiliate Program
  • Shareasale
  • Market health  

The above list is a very big name in affiliate marketing programs.

Blog and Article Writing:

The blog is a kind of website where we get lots of information about products, services, places, images, health, etc.

It is a great way of marketing. In this digital world, we all are habituated to reading blogs and articles online. When we read about anything which is good for our health, we become interested in that and try to use it. Now just think, you are reading a blog about honey and its benefits. If there is any honey brand linked in the blog, you will be interested in that brand. Most of the traffic buys the product when reading blogs about that product. And obviously by building an external link into the blog or making an affiliate program the said product’s website gets much traffic.

Blog and article writing is an established way of getting customers, doing advertisements, doing affiliate sales.

Bulk Email Services:

When we visit a website, we often see a pop-up about subscription. In this way, websites collect our email addresses and send their offer about their products or services.

Bulk email is a way of digital marketing services. Every day we get many emails from many companies with whom we have no contact. But they send emails to us. This is called a bulk email service. In this digital marketing system, we get an email with information about products/services, their benefits, sales offer, why we should use this, etc. With this bulk email service, we get many customers, traffic to your stores, websites.

Bulk SMS Services:

In this digital world, we all are using cell phones. All the time it is attached to us. Digital marketing companies are taking advantage of it. They are sending various types of promotional SMS to us round the day.

Nowadays bulk SMS becomes a great way of digital marketing. Almost all cosmopolitan brands use this SMS service and it becomes very popular. They offering their promotional services to us. We all see these SMS and when we feel interested in any offer we click on that and go to the website directly.

Using these bulk SMS services brands are getting more traffic, customers, and their sales are booming.

End Words

In 2020 digital marketing is the best way of sales generation. Day by day people are using many new tools and techniques in digital marketing. All the tools and techniques can give us good results if we know the use of digital marketing.

In this article, I have shown what is digital marketing, why you should hire a digital marketing expert, the top 10 digital marketing tools, how to develop a digital marketing strategy for our business.


How I can hire a digital marketing agency

There are many digital marketing agencies you can find on Google. Just visit their websites and contact them.

Is digital marketing more costly than conventional marketing?

No, digital marketing is not costly as conventional marketing. Actually, it is cheaper than conventional marketing.

Can I hire digital marketing experts on a temporary basis?

Yes, you can hire digital marketing experts on a temporary basis for your job work.

Does a digital marketing expert know to use all types of digital marketing tools?

No, digital marketing expert can be an expert on 1, 2, or 3 tools.

How can I learn digital marketing?

There are many online courses on digital marketing. You can choose one of them and join.

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In this article, I have shown what is digital marketing, why you should hire a digital marketing expert, the top 10 digital marketing tools, how to develop a digital marketing strategy for our business.
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